Modul 25008: Master - Selected MTM Topics
Media and Technology Management Applications'
(SS '15)

C. Loebbecke

2 SWS, 6 CP

Fridays 12:30-17:30 h  ̶  exact hours see below

Location: HS XXIII WiSo-Building and visit to T-Gallery (Deutsche Telecom AG) in Bonn on April 17, 2015 (details below)

Start: April 10, 14:00-15:30 h (mandatory kick-off)

Held in English

Mandatory Pre-Assignment - see below

The course will provide insights into a number of innovative real-life Media and Technology Management applications. For each application, we will discuss (1) large scale roll-out opportunities and constraints, (2) the business case, and (3) the impact of potentially broad diffusion for customers and society.

April 10, 14:00-15:30 (late start!), 90-minute kick-off - participation mandatory for passing the course!
April 17, 12:30-17:30 T-Gallery visit - details during kick-off session - the visit will be core for course assignments and discussions
plus at most 3 more sessions - all 12:30-16:00 - on May 8, May 22, June 19, and June 26 (details during the semester)

HS XXIII WiSo-Building plus field trip on April 17

MANDATORY Pre-Assignment  ̶  Due April 8, 11:00 o'clock, FROM your sMail-account
We will send a paper (pdf) and two discussion questions to all successfully registered students' sMail accounts on March 27. Use about 250 words to summarize the paper and then about 250 words per discussion question. Approximate assignment length is 750 words (3 x 250 words). Do not forget a cover sheet with your name, "Pruefungsnummer", postal address and sMail-account.
Send a non-protected word file(no pdf !) by eMail by April 8, 11:00 o'clock, FROM your sMail-account to claudia.loebbecke<AT> AND to stefan.cremer<AT>
File Name: InnoApps-YourLastname.doc(x)

Course Grading / Credit Points

Grading will be based on

Participation on April 10 and the field trip to the T-Gallery are mandatory, otherwise you cannot pass the course. Afterwards participation in all, but one 90-minute session (!) is required for receiving Credit Points!

© Department of Media and Technology Management